Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day ride

No video, I didn't even take a camera, so no photos.  This has been a crazy busy week.  My buddy Lee wanted to go on a ride this weekend.  I had so much scheduled, I was afraid I would have no time.

Things sort of worked out for a short local loop:

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A nice quiet break at the pull-off in the lower Klamath Wildlife Refuge.  Many many flights of geese, and saw some pelicans that have returned to the Basin.

Photo courtesy of  Lee "Angryasianguy" Lawson

Probably the best stop was at the Polar Cub in Merrill, complete with old fashioned TALL soft-serve ice cream cones.  I had mine dipped in chocolate.  Highly recommended.

Finished the loop with some nice riding along Hill Road.

The big down side is the realization that my tires are well used up.  I may have some commuting over to the Rogue Valley in a bit more than a week, and I basically don't dare do it until I have replaced my tires.  Thankfully I have them on hand already, and all the tools.  Also, really need to do an oil and oil filter change out, and also a check and clean on my air filter.

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